Friday, 12 June 2009

Cherry tomato pasta cooked au gratin

This dish is extremely easy to make (provided that you've got a grill function in your oven.) and has very simple ingredients. And it is very tasty because of the few but well-chosen ingredients that really get into their element first in the gratin oven and then in regular oven!

Ingredients (x4):
400 g short pasta
300-400 g cherry tomatoes
3-4 cloves garlic
bread crumbs
basil (fresh or dry)
grated parmesan
olive oil

Heat up the oven to 200 c using the grill function. Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them in half. Put olive oil on the bottom and sides of a baking pan and put the cherry tomatoes in it, so that they cover the surface of the baking pan. Dust on the tomatoes some salt, grinded garlic, basil in pieces, a somewhat abundant amount of parmesan and bread crumbs. At the end add olive oil on the pan the way that the food gets to gratinate properly. Start the oven and cook the pasta meanwhile. In 15 minutes the cherry tomatoes should be gratinated and the pasta ready. Once you have removed the water from the ready pasta, pour the pasta into the baking pan and mix it with the sauce. Put it still in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

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